- Chapter meetings (minimum of eight plus Rules Interpretation) to network with other Officials and discuss rules interpretations and mechanics.
- Issued a National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) Rule Book and Case Book each year.
- New Rules & Mechanics review (Rules Interpretation) each year by one of the best State Rules Interpreters in PA.
- Discounted Chapter Dues for First Year Officials.
- Robust midget league schedule of games for novice and experienced officials. You will be able to work midget league games in Western Allegheny County for great pay while honing and maturing your skills for more rapid advancement to junior varsity and varsity schedules.
- Six (6) and Seven (7) Man Mechanics Manual available on-line at our website
- Bulletins & Training and Development materials, including links to other football official related sources, available via our website.
- Maintenance of a state of the art website (www.wpfoa.org)